What is funny is that free pizza was how WCF began. Back in August when Will and I were founding the group we started by giving away free pizza as a way to meet people and introduce ourselves to the WCC community. We met several of our students that way and it was great. Six months later when we were brainstorming for our March outreach the only idea that came up, and was brought up by several students, was free pizza.
It seems that free pizza has become a part of the WCF DNA, part of who the group is, what the group does. A precedent has been set, something good to be aware of.
This setting of a precedent, this genetics of a group can also be seen within Protestant denominations.
For example the conditions of the Catholic Church that Luther, Calvin, and other great reformers were reacting to still has effects upon these Reformed denominations. At the time of the Reformation the Catholic Church was causing some abuse and distortion of the Gospel to which the Reformers reacted against.
Also though there was great reason for the Protestant Reformation, there are some deleterious genetics born from such actions. Protestantism with all of its benefits started as a reaction to what they did not approve of. Though much of the Reformers' disapproval was based upon solid biblical truth, it introduced the precedent of reactionism into Protestantism. Ever wonder why there are so many Protestant denominations today while there is still only one Catholic Church? (there is variation within Catholicism as within any group that size, but unlike Protestantism it seems to be without the cost of unity) Protestantism started by breaking away from the establishment, and it has continued to splinter.
So it seems that there are many significant precedents and a lot of group genetics established whenever a group forms. The founders and pioneers can have a greater impact upon the entirety of the group than one would initially think, introducing group DNA or thoughts and precedents that carry on afterward.