This semester at Sac State I have the privilege of creating and teaching a class on Theology. The aim of the class is to give an overview of the character and nature of God. And such a subject brings up a lot of questions.
Theology (from the Gk: theologia, θεολογία,) is the study of God. It's a pretty big subject. But a cool thing about Theology is that one of its foundational principles is that God is knowable. He can be studied and interacted with. This may seem obvious but how wonderful this is given the alternative, that God is distant and unknowable. Unlike Deism Christianity believes that God is not some far distant creator who made the universe like a clock and is now watching it wind down. We can know God. We can be in relationship with God. God is near and discoverable. This is our hope, the fact that God has made Himself knowable to us.
In Jeremiah 29:12-14 the LORD declares "When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me." What glorious news is this!