A common yet effective strategy for governing a conquered people is to change their names. It has always been the victor who writes history; re-write the history of a conquered people, their names, and they lose their identity. It is interesting how much our names tell us about our identity. Giving a new name is giving a new identity. This has been practiced throughout history by numerous conquerors. A defeated nation becomes a new province under a name of your choosing to aid in demoralizing and controlling the defeated people.
This practice is illustrated during the exile in Babylon with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Nebuchadnezzar renamed them Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respectively Daniel 1:7. (it is interesting to note that of the four only Daniel continues to be called by his Hebrew name).
We have all given into this practice of renaming as well. We were created perfect and have fallen into sin and brokenness. We have forgotten who we are. We allowed the world, satan, the past, and our friends to define who we are. We are a conquered people.
But a savior has come to free us, indeed salvation is come. Jesus, who created us (John 1:3), who knows our true names, identities, and purposes has come to liberate us and call us back to the identities that we have forgotten. Victorious Jesus has conquered the world to restore and rename all of Creation. As the victor Jesus has come to give us back our names.
But his victory on earth is not yet fully realized. And we continue to forget who we are and what God is calling us to (ex. 1 Tim 4:14). We keep falling back into our old identities, who the world, the past, our friends, and the enemy say we are. Truly it is God alone, Creator of all, who knows our true identity. He knows us best. His is the true reality, not blurred by the lies and the conquest of the enemy over Humanity. Turn back to God, to Jesus, and to who you truly are and were created to be. Let us walk this journey together, and remind each other of who we are when we forget.
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