Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Theology Makes Me Uncomfortable

Of all subject matters, fields of learning, and disciplines nothing has the ability to make me so uncomfortable as the subject of Theology, the study of God.  Who is God and what is He like?

There is no entity with whom I am more dissimilar, yet everything about me is entirely dependent upon Him and His utter independence from anything but Himself.

God is infinite, I am finite.
God is omnipresent, I am not
God is Creator, I am creature.
God is holy.  I am not.

His character and nature grates on my fallen broken nature.  And I am better for it.

Apart from God revealing Himself I would be unable to know who He is, and yet He has made himself known even by His own Creation (Rom 1:19-20).  So I find myself upon the great journey of seeking and learning and discovering who God is, of intimacy with the Almighty Holy One.

One of the great things about God being infinite is that there is infinite to learn about Him.  We will therefore be able to learn and discover more about God for all of eternity, rather than after 736 trillion years coming to a full understanding of God and then spending the rest of eternity going over re-runs.

But a question arises

When your concept of God comes in conflict with God who wins?
Our theology and experiences vs. God and who He really is.
Theology will make us uncomfortable.

As fallen, finite, and imperfect creatures our understanding of God is inherently flawed this side of death.  I think I know what the nature of love is or the characteristics of sin, but the paradox of knowledge is that "the more you know the more you realize how little you know."  Believing that I truly and wholly understand an aspect of something violates one of the few things I can actually know, that I cannot fully comprehend anything.

At times I think the sum of all my knowledge, all my experience, all my learning truly boils down to this:

God is loving
God is faithful
and I am much smaller than I think

Theology makes me uncomfortable.  But I have learned that one of my greatest enemies is comfort.  It is so easy to settle for what I currently know rather than searching for a better and greater understanding.  To know just enough to deceive myself into thinking that I know God, and thus think that I do not need to keep truly seeking him.

If I am honest and faithful then studying Theology and who God is will make me uncomfortable.
But God is worth knowing, no matter what that takes.

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