Over a year ago I started an herb garden in our apartment. I chose herbs because they are edible. This is my chili pepper plant. As you may notice it has a lot of leaves and only one little white flower. I will probably not harvest a lot off this pepper plant.
I recently had the privilege to eat lunch with my friend Tad. In the course of hanging out we discussed the fact as Americans we focus a lot upon goals and achievements. We often determine an endeavor successful based upon the yield. This crosses over into ministry as well. How many people came to our event, do we have more small groups than last year, are we building moment etc. And this is okay, fruit is a good thing. Jesus Himself talks about "the harvest".
As Tad pointed out the problem comes when we only look at the fruit. Yes, success is exciting, new people is encouraging, but we forget a plant only bears fruit in a season. The rest of the year the plant is absorbing light, water (both, as Tad mentioned, have huge metaphorical values) etc. We look at the fruit only, and forget the rest of the plant which sustains the fruit. This is why Jesus tells us to abide (John 15:5). But even here the danger is we will see abiding as a formula for success.
Our desire to bear fruit should stem from seeking to obediently follow God. And our desire for obedience should stem from a submission and surrender to God. His love and His worthiness should be what inspires our obedience. When I was in sin over my head my God died for me and justified me by His blood (Romans 5:8-11). He rose to new life, victorious over sin and death, and has called me to follow Him. Because God loves me, I desire to obey Him. But our culture of success and achievement believes instead because I obey God, God should love me. An obsession with fruit is dangerous because it can warp our understanding of grace by faith.
Instead of earning our merit, earning our fruit, we need to abide in Him. He is our source and our success. Once we are rooted in Christ next we need to take steps of preparation. We need to put out leaves of prayer, organization, community, etc. Planning and preparation are needed for long term growth. An ardent but impatient attitude will yield unripe fruit. Just as the plant requires leaves and roots before producing anything, we have to build ourselves and our ministries with the proper infrastructure to do so too. We have to understand it will not be the successes, but persistence, which carries us through the long seasons between harvests. Seasons of reaping, seasons of planting, tending, etc. are all a part of the rhythms of our temporal existence. We cannot skip steps and simply go from harvest to harvest; to do so we will only be sowing burn-out. Sabbaths, rhythms, and structures are necessary for longevity.
Let us not despise the season of preparation between harvests and let us not neglect our leaves. Let us abide in Christ, that we may bear good fruit.
1 comment:
Very good word :)
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