Money can be a very uncomfortable subject for people, especially in the Church and involving the Church. Most of us have a sense we should be giving to God, but we often don't know why or how much and can feel pressured by words like "tithe" and "stewardship". Additionally our culture tells us to guard our money; we should be wary of anyone who mentions money and scrutinize everyone for ulterior motives. I find it interesting, but not too surprising, to see societies with the most money are often the most obsessed and grudging about it.
The Bible however offers a very different view of money and tithing. The first corporate offering from the Israelites happens at Sinai. God is speaking to Moses on the mountain and He is getting ready to instruct Moses in how to build the Tabernacle. God says to Moses "take for me an offering; from all whose hearts prompt them to give you shall receive the offering for me." (Ex 25:2)
God wants to build the Tabernacle so He collects an offering. As you may remember at this point the Israelites had just left Egypt, where they were slaves, three months prior. How did they have anything to offer God? Before leaving the land of Egypt God provided for the Israelites by enabling them to plunder the Egyptians (Ex 3:21-22, Ex 12:35-36).
With the building the Tabernacle God offered the Israelites the opportunity to give back to God, and not only do they have the chance to give to Him, but they have the chance to partner with God in establishing His earthly dwelling. Before Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, for centuries the Tabernacle was the place where God's presence dwelt on Earth. Here we have the whole nation of Israel in the desert, with nothing but what God has already brought them, and He provides the option for the Israelites to worship Him with their wealth. God's first corporate offering is a chance to sow into His work of redemption and reconciliation on Earth. What an awesome and powerful opportunity these Israelites had, to be given the chance to help establish God's Kingdom here on Earth.
How else did the Israelites make use of their plundered treasure? You may remember a certain golden calf which they also used their gold to build.
Whether worshiping God or worshiping idols, there is power in what we invest our money in. Jesus wisely said "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Mt 6:19-21). Our investments often betray our true priorities and insecurities.
At its heart tithing to God and His ministry is not some grudging demand for my dues, but an invitation to invest in His Kingdom. By accepting His offer we can sow into His Kingdom and see it come to Earth; to help create God's dwelling place here. How blessed are we to have this opportunity to partner with God and His work.
The Bible however offers a very different view of money and tithing. The first corporate offering from the Israelites happens at Sinai. God is speaking to Moses on the mountain and He is getting ready to instruct Moses in how to build the Tabernacle. God says to Moses "take for me an offering; from all whose hearts prompt them to give you shall receive the offering for me." (Ex 25:2)
God wants to build the Tabernacle so He collects an offering. As you may remember at this point the Israelites had just left Egypt, where they were slaves, three months prior. How did they have anything to offer God? Before leaving the land of Egypt God provided for the Israelites by enabling them to plunder the Egyptians (Ex 3:21-22, Ex 12:35-36).
With the building the Tabernacle God offered the Israelites the opportunity to give back to God, and not only do they have the chance to give to Him, but they have the chance to partner with God in establishing His earthly dwelling. Before Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, for centuries the Tabernacle was the place where God's presence dwelt on Earth. Here we have the whole nation of Israel in the desert, with nothing but what God has already brought them, and He provides the option for the Israelites to worship Him with their wealth. God's first corporate offering is a chance to sow into His work of redemption and reconciliation on Earth. What an awesome and powerful opportunity these Israelites had, to be given the chance to help establish God's Kingdom here on Earth.
How else did the Israelites make use of their plundered treasure? You may remember a certain golden calf which they also used their gold to build.
Whether worshiping God or worshiping idols, there is power in what we invest our money in. Jesus wisely said "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Mt 6:19-21). Our investments often betray our true priorities and insecurities.
At its heart tithing to God and His ministry is not some grudging demand for my dues, but an invitation to invest in His Kingdom. By accepting His offer we can sow into His Kingdom and see it come to Earth; to help create God's dwelling place here. How blessed are we to have this opportunity to partner with God and His work.
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