Saturday, December 21, 2013

Why I'm sad the world didn't end a year ago

As you may have noticed the world did not end on 12/21/12, and a year later we are still here.  Don't get me wrong, I had no expectation the world would end last year.  The Mayans have joined the long list of people who have incorrectly guessed when the world would end.

But it still makes me kind of sad.  Allow me to explain.

Often we think of the apocalypse as some horrible event, this great disaster which we all live in dread of.  It is very human to see Judgement Day as some terrible day to be feared.  It sounds like a day of punishment and every nightmarish depiction of Hell.  But in truth the Day of Judgement is a day of justice.

For now the wrath of God is being held back and building, waiting for the day of release.  Judgement Day will be the day when every hurt, every wrong, and every sin will be redeemed and washed away.  There will be justice for every crime committed against another.  God is not mute to the sufferings of the world.  It is with this future hope of justice Paul writes Romans 12:19
"Never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

Judgement Day will be the day when sickness, cancer, sex slavery, oppression, exploitation, and every other horrible thing which plagues humanity will be defeated.  It will be glorious!  It will be a day of true justice.  No more suffering.

And it's hard to wait sometimes.  This world is a dark and broken place, there are a lot of terrible things happening to people who God deeply loves, and it seems like there is no end in sight.  Humanity will never save itself.  But our great God of Justice will.  And I yearn for that day.

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