Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Marriage, Birth, and Trinity

            Today is Emily and my ninth wedding anniversary. We are also expecting our daughter, our first child, to be born any day now. As I reflect on these last nine years and the exciting new season we are about to enter, I am once again amazed at how beautifully God has made marriage and family to be a picture of Himself and His good purpose for creation.

            From the love, commitment, and deep intimate relationship between Emily and me, new life has come. Our love for each other overflows and produces new life. Our daughter’s existence is an outworking of the relationship Emily and I have with each other.

            While paling in comparison to the full infinite grandeur of God, the example of our marriage bringing forth new life reflects who God is and His creation. As the triune God, He is by nature in deep intimate community. Before time, gravity, electrons, or the color green, God has been in perfect relationship with Himself. There has always been deep intimate love between the members of the trinity, and it is from this profound love that all of creation is derived. God does not need us, we are not essential to God’s existence, but instead we are the fruit of the overflow of the love between the trinity. God’s love and communion with Himself overflows and brings forth creation and new life. All of time and space exists because of God’s love in the same way that our daughter’s existence is rooted in the love between Emily and me. God has never needed creation, but in God’s love and goodness He wanted creation. The trinity’s love is so deep that God wants to share His love with us.

            How beautiful it is to think that God in His wisdom has created marriage and birth so that they can reflect this loving nature about Himself.

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