Friday, May 20, 2011

Problems with Humanity

I was talking with my friend Peter last night, our conversation covered a menagerie of topics, and one particular issue that we kept returning to was the various problems with humanity.

And while the pathologies of humanity a great in number and in complexity, I was struck by the simplicity of the answer.

I know the answer to all of our problems.

It's humility.
It's surrendering ourselves to God.
It's being holy as He is holy.

Our problem as fallen people is pride. We want to be what everything is about. But we are creatures. And we hate being creatures. We want to be creator.

We want to be God.

But we are not God

And by humility I mean to acknowledge the truth of reality and who we really are. Not what I want reality to be, not my relative truth, but the absolute truth as defined by the One who is able to define absolute truth.

For me humility means understanding and living according to the fact that I am not God.
For God humility means understanding and living according to the fact that He is God. He really is the Independent One upon whom all of Creation depends for existence.

So the answer to all of our issues is simple.
But it's impossible.

Because apart from God I hate being a creature.

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